
Mrs. Tina

This is my first time using the services of the CMHIS scheme. In 2015, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to bear all the expenses myself, as I had not applied for any insurance scheme early.


Mr. H

I was born with a congenital disorder and underwent a kidney transplant last year in Delhi, with my mother as the donor. As a government employee, I already had a CMHIS card when the government introd



I have been suffering from chronic kidney disease and undergoing haemodialysis. My mother was also on home dialysis for four years before she passed away recently. I have been receiving treatment at C


The Chief Minister Health Insurance Scheme (CMHIS) is a public health insurance scheme implemented by the Government of Nagaland to offer cashless treatment to eligible citizens of Nagaland.

Contact us

NAGALAND HEALTH PROTECTION SOCIETY, 4th & 5th floor Drug Control Building, Department of Health and Family Welfare Below Nagaland Civil Secretariat Complex, Ruziezou, Kohima- 797 001

support-nhps@cmhis.nagaland.gov.in Helpline No.: 1800 202 3380
Phone No.: 8880515011 / 8880515012 / 8880515013 / 8880515014

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