This is my first time using the services of the CMHIS scheme. In 2015, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to bear all the expenses myself, as I had not applied for any insurance scheme early.
ReadI was born with a congenital disorder and underwent a kidney transplant last year in Delhi, with my mother as the donor. As a government employee, I already had a CMHIS card when the government introd
ReadI have been suffering from chronic kidney disease and undergoing haemodialysis. My mother was also on home dialysis for four years before she passed away recently. I have been receiving treatment at C
ReadThe Chief Minister Health Insurance Scheme (CMHIS) is a public health insurance scheme implemented by the Government of Nagaland to offer cashless treatment to eligible citizens of Nagaland.
NAGALAND HEALTH PROTECTION SOCIETY, 4th & 5th floor Drug Control Building,
Department of Health and Family Welfare
Below Nagaland Civil Secretariat Complex,
Ruziezou, Kohima- 797 001
Email: Helpline No.: 1800 202 3380
Phone No.: 8880515011 / 8880515012 / 8880515013 / 8880515014
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