Chief Minister Health Insurance Scheme (CMHIS)
The Chief Minister Health Insurance Scheme (CMHIS) is a flagship public health insurance initiative by the Government of Nagaland. Designed to provide cashless treatment to eligible beneficiaries, CMHIS bridges the gap for government employees, pensioners, and Indigenous Inhabitants or Permanent Residents of Nagaland not covered under the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB PM-JAY).
In convergence with AB PM-JAY, the scheme is referred to as the "Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana - Chief Minister Health Insurance Scheme (AB PM-JAY CMHIS)" and offers comprehensive health insurance benefits across two categories:
1. CMHIS Employee & Pensioner (EP)
2. CMHIS General Category (GC)
Eligibility Criteria and Benefits
CMHIS (EP) – For Employees & Pensioners
Who is eligible?
Required Documents for Registration:
Key Benefits:
reimbursement for emergency treatments in non-empanelled hospitals.
Note: Government employees are entitled for Medical Reimbursement for medical expenses beyond the Annual Health Insurance Cover.
CMHIS (GC) – For General Category
Who is eligible?
Required Documents for Registration:
Key Benefits:
Defining Households and Dependents
Eligible dependents include:
Registration Centres
Eligible individuals can register at:
Registration Process:
Empanelled Hospitals and Benefit Packages
The Chief Minister Health Insurance Scheme (CMHIS) is a public health insurance scheme implemented by the Government of Nagaland to offer cashless treatment to eligible citizens of Nagaland.
NAGALAND HEALTH PROTECTION SOCIETY, 4th & 5th floor Drug Control Building,
Department of Health and Family Welfare
Below Nagaland Civil Secretariat Complex,
Ruziezou, Kohima- 797 001
Email: Helpline No.: 1800 202 3380
Phone No.: 8880515011 / 8880515012 / 8880515013 / 8880515014
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